NRA’s Stranglehold

It’s coming more and more clear as more mass shooting there are in the US, that there has to be some underlying reason for not installing gun control. This is the only option that hasn’t been trialed, and has proven to work throughout the world. What’s standing in the way? Shouldn’t the safety and welfare of the citizens in the US be the main priority? Well doesn’t seem like the case, and that the underlying factor is that money is more important than people’s lives.

After each mass shooting the NRA memberships rise because, people feel unsafe, and think they need to go out and purchase guns and a membership. MarketWatch reported that after the Sandy Hook shootings, NRA memberships skyrocketed from 108 million to 176 million soon after, that’s more th-

moneyan 70%. Sandy Hook was the 142nd shooting at a school or on college campus. This is only over a 1000-day period, so this roughly averages to shooting at a school or campus every week. The troubling thing is that after every one of these shootings the NRA memberships and revenue has skyrocketed. The NRA’s overall revenue is almost at half a billion dollars and soaring towards a billion dollars at a rapid rate.


After each mass shooting there is an outcry for gun control, or even implementing restrictions on certain types of guns. The issue gets brought up across the country repeatedly, and all over the world. People like Piers Morgan are passionate about the issue, and cares for lives and cannot understand why there has been no change. Why do people internationally care more about the safety of the US lives more than people in the US themselves? Does the lack of gun control have to do with the fact that the NRA is funding money into political campaigns, and paying certain influential people, so when tragedies like Las Vegas, or the Texas massacre in the church happen, the leaders will dismiss that there is even a problem, and sweep it all under the carpet. The NRA has almost donated 13 millions dollars to congress and begins to do so at will to direct parties. Majority of the NRA donations go to outside spending on independent expenditures. They have spent roughly 144 million on campaigns to support the parties for them to make ads and support their campaigns. On lobbying alone they have spent upwards of 45 million dollars. Jimmy Kimmel on his late night show spoke about the influence of the NRA’s ability to influence on politicians. He stated they “won’t do anything about this because the NRA has their balls in a money clip”.

You tell me with all the donations and contributions to fund these campaigns, the NRA don’t expect anything in return? Unfortunately, in this world everything comes at a price, and you don’t get anything for free.

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